Home Health Aide
A more detailed list of services provided by our Home Health Aides include:
- Performing appropriate and safe techniques in personal hygiene and grooming that include: Bed bath; sponge, tub or shower bath; Shampoo (sink, tub or bed), Nail and skin care; oral hygiene, toileting and elimination
- Safe transfer techniques and movement around the home with our without equipment
- Normal range of motion and repositioning
- Adequate nutrition and fluid intake
- Simple dressing changes
- Reading and recording temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure
- Catheter care and changing of catheter drainage bags
- Colostomy Care
- Whirlpool treatment
- Assistance with diabetic testing and cares
- Meal preparation, light housekeeping, laundry, marketing and business errands
- Respite care
- Observation, reporting and documentation of patient status